Above The Influence

Targeted Campaign

( Historical client )


The Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA - now known as The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids) needed an ad campaign aimed at African American male teens as part of their “Above The Influence” campaign.



The “Above The Influence” campaign’s aim was to remind kids that the choice to use or not use drugs was entirely their own, and that they could find the inner strength to resist peer pressure.



We used the insight that within the African American community the “it takes a village” mindset is strong.  So we created two commercials in which a peer or a non-relative male adult figure offers encouragement to African American young men who are faced with either the opportunity or repercussions of being under the influence.



The commercials were very well-received by members of the target, their parents, the general public and members of the board of directors of the PDFA.  After airing on television, the PSAs received hundreds of thousands of views on social media as well.